Friday, April 22, 2011

I found myself thinking sociologically when I was talking with my guy friend. I was discussing about how an event in his life changed him. Before this event  he was an ordinary teen; going to  parties, hanging with friends, going to school etc. At home he was use to his mother preparing good food for when ever he got home, he got the usual please, thank you, and sorry from people. After he got in trouble with authorities he had to live in an environment that was new, the environment behind bars.
Desocialization was a process he had to go through because he was so use to the outside rules and rules at home, and then he had to learn to adapt to new ones in jail. In there he had to get use to being an independent guy, because guards were just yelling at all times, and inmates weren't always too polite. His life was pretty much controlled by the prison, so that makes the jail be a total institution. The thing that made his situation worse is that as soon as he had gotten use to life in there, he would have to come back out into the real world, in other words resocialize.  

Saturday, April 16, 2011

I found myself thinking sociologically when I my eight year old cousin came to my house. She is an only child so she can act really stub-urn, and spoiled. She can get out of hand so many times that I sometimes ask myself if she has any morals. Crying and whining are her specialties, and help her get what she wants. When we were going to eat dinner she began complaining saying she did not want to eat what my mom had made, and that she wanted to eat cereal. She also tends to try and break the rules in our house, like taking food and drinks to the living room, and then she tries to blame it on my sister.The way she was acting reminded me of sociology class.
Morals, which is the distinction between right and wrong, I think are missing in my young cousin's life. I can tell she doesn't know her morals, based on her behavior, so she is at stage zero. Her parents would be placed in stage three because the only reason I think they yell at her to stop whining is, because they know my parents would get ticked off if they let their daughter do what ever she wanted. They are just seeking approval by my parents in a way, so they won't get upset. Even though my parents aren't too strict, I still think they could be placed in stage four. They like rules to be followed at our house, but they still wouldn't hold a grudge against someone if they break one at some point. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I actually think that this mother has gotten way out of hand with her ways of raising her children. If kids are taught that violence is not the answer, and that screaming is disrespectful, why does the mother act this way? The time were she made Lulu play the song in the piano right she yelled at her to the point were she lost her voice. If you want your kids to be successful in life, the parents have to motivate and guide them through that success, but this doesn't have to be done the way that she is doing it. Just because this is the way she thinks Chinese moms do it, does not mean it is the right way.
If she wants to be a good mom she should bring her kids on top in life, but with her girls having fun at the same time. The right way to raise your children will be by guiding them to success; with patience, positive attitude, and even fun. I feel like this mom breaks all of these things and just cares about how others are going to view her and her daughters. She is not considering the negative impact this is going to have on her daughters. I think this mom is messed up and that success has her blind.
Sigmud Freud's theory that personality is influenced by interaction with parent is going to be seen later  in these girls future's. They were raised with over loads of practice, and yelling and insults, well this can cause the girls to be the same with others. Charles Cooley said the idea of the looking glass self, and this can be applied here for when the girls ever feel negative about themselves, and they say it is because of the way their parents treated them with negative comments. Mead's idea of the significance of getting under the skin of others by taking their roles, is something that the mom is not doing. I think that the mom should go under the same pressure she puts her children in so she feels what they go through.