Thursday, March 24, 2011

All of a sudden I found myself thinking sociologically when I was watching a recording of traditional dances on television. I  was so amazed at the variation of dances that exist in the world. There was dances from different parts of Mexico, dances from down in South America, Spain and many more. I was able to connect the variations with the culture unit in my sociology class. Before I knew it I had at least included about five different words form class and applied them to life. 
For example, when I saw a dance that required the people to wear masks, I thought that was strangely different. My thoughts towards that cultural dance made me sound ethnocentric . The universal is something that cultures have a like, but that are done differently. In this case dancing is a part of all of these counties culture although, they each had something unique about them. In some there was a lot of jumping, or turning, and acting, or tying a ribbon into a bow etc. To some people a jump in a dance is a norm, and to another culture a jump can be breaking a norm. The differences among the dances is what made the whole show more intereseting to watch.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

All of a sudden I found myself thinking sociologically when I was talking to my aunt. We were talking about her marriage, which was with a white man and how they had to adapt to one in another in some things. It was funny because they came from different cultures so food, religion, parties and much more are different. She began telling me how he sometimes felt a little weird in the beginning of their marriage, because he was the only white person usually at parties. The good thing is that there was really no negative opinions from either of them towards each other, or counterculture. the different cultures reminded me of some terms in sociology class.
When I found out they were getting married, my uncle told me that he accepted our culture even though he still had not adapted himself to our culture.This would be making his culture the subculture. Even though my uncle's side was use to different things from us like; their parties are usually at noon, eat different food etc., there was no culture clash. His family and our family have been able to get along with each other, and actually have been finding it fun to try to learn from different cultures, so no fighting is seen. The interaction between the different cultures have brought ethnocentrism. We have made comments to each other like you guys are obsessed with beans, and you guys have parties too early and much more.   

Thursday, March 10, 2011

All of a sudden I found myself thinking sociologically when, I was listening to rap and hip- hop  music. As I was listening to this music I remembered how some people could not connect with these types of songs because they did not understand it. All the reasons as to why many don't understand this music, brought me back to sociology terms. I knew the reasons for the confusion were due to the language (lyrics), the stories of the song, and the listeners back ground. In other words the confusion were the symbols that the songs might of had, the culture the artist and listeners came from, and much more.

Songs that rappers, in the pop culture, like Wisin y Yandel, Tupac, Eminem, J Cole and much more would sing, would have a variety of people connecting with them. For example, like those who come from a Mexican culture could relate with music from Wisin y Yandel. This is because any time these artist mentioned places in Mexico, customs in Latin America, or problems with immigration, people from this back ground could have a deep connection with the song because they have experienced them. When lyrics speak about civil rights movement, or slavery many African Americans would connect with them. Now, a variety of hip-hop and rap songs do focus on the idea of poverty, a common struggle within people of any cultural back ground. So the word money within  lyrics could be a symbol for a days meal or a blessing/miracle to those who are poor or in a middle class. To those who are rich, money is a symbol of a shopping spring for their pets or getting more powerful.Over all, to really understand rap and hip-hop one has to have an idea of were the artist and their lyrics is coming from.
 Jersey shore I think can symbolize America, and specially the youth. This show is well known throughout the whole country by kids, teens, adults and even seniors. A good percentage of the viewers, mainly teens, can relate to things that go on in the show. For example, many drink, party, are  involved in drama, and have sexual intercourse. Over all the show represents a common life style of many teens living in America, even though it is not so great.

                                                Fast food places in my opinion will never run out of business from what I see. Many people here in the US depend on places like Burger King, White Castle, McDonald's etc., as their food source every day. For what ever reason people buy fast food, doesn't change the fact that they eat it a lot. Fast food is not healthy food, and even though many are aware of this they don't seem to change their eating habits. As a result, I truly do think that fast food is a major symbol that represents America.
                                                 Money, money, money... this is definitely something that represents America. I say this because to several people, money, is the most important thing in their lives. They love it so much that they sacrifice friendships,family and so many other things, just so they can have more bills in their pocket. People become obsessed with money that they fall into problems like gambling, and other illegal activity (selling drugs, human trafficking). The way many think that money can buy them happiness, proofs that they cherish money a lot.
                                                  I think that America can be represented by the white headed eagle.To begin with, eagles have good eye vision that helps them catch what they want, and this is like Americans always looking for what is best for them. This can include people looking for things like power, a good house, car, job, health, a good reputation etc. Another thing is that eagles catch small prey as food just like Americans can sometimes step on others smaller than them just to get to the top. Another reason why this is a symbol is because the eagle is found in things like American coins, bills and much more.
                                                    All around the United States we can find families that own one or more pet/s. Animals like dogs, cats, lizards, fish, monkeys, hamsters, bunnies, birds and much more belong to families. They are loved by majority of the people here in the USA that pets are refer to as family now. Love for pets can be shown by the pet shops that have all sorts of things for pets, including a variety of clothes, collars, food etc.Due to the great number of people that own a pet, I can say that pets are an important part of the American culture, therefore, a symbol of this country.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

All of a sudden I found myself thinking sociologically when, I went to a concert with my friend. I knew the attitude she carried during school and it was calm, and serious most of the time. Then the event came along and it was this friend of mine, another close friend and me hanging out only. Wow, I could not believe how long I had known this person for and until now I found out their true self. My friend's attitude changes reminded me right away of many terms I learned in sociology class.
The way my friend acted the way others expected her to in class, was a norm. She told me she was quiet because she was expected to be chill at school, as in not being crazy and getting or of hand.This is like the emergent norm theory, because my friend's attitude and actions in school were affected by the public's expectations.More over, at the concert she was more cheery, open and more social. I could tell she felt like in a whole new environment because she said she could be herself any where outside of school. I thought it was cool because there at the concert I connected with two more theories learned in class. One of them was the contagion theory, due to my other friend getting crazy as well like the one I am talking about. This connects because their attitudes are being affected by one another and by the audience as well. This sounds like a domino affect, which is what I defined contagion theory as. Lastly, the way that people at the show were there because they like the artist as well was showing the convergence theory, which is people coming together due to a common interest.